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Graphic design

Graphic design basically is visual problem solving using text or graphical elements. Your aim is to create something that is catchy to the eye, and gets the attention of the viewer. But things can't just look great. They have to work as well.

Web-based applications have brought graphic designers closer to software development projects than ever before. Because the buttons, menus, and other screen elements of a web page are not standardized, there is vast opportunity for a graphic designer to influence how a site will look. This is often tied in to the branding efforts of a web site. As such, the graphic designer is tasked with deciding how best to portray the values of a company through the use of color and layout.

Today, Graphic Design is practiced in various fields of media, distributing its effective message through logos, graphics, signs, brochures, posters, and other type of visual elements. Main industries include this creative work of art in media are websites, print, advertisement, publication, digital media, motion pictures, animation, product design, packaging, information signs, etc.

In 1980 the advent of desktop publishing and of design software such as Adobe Illustrator and Macromedia Fireworks put the power and flexibility of the computer at graphic designer's fingertips. Designers for the first time were easily able to control images and create 3D images using the computer. Computers are now considered to be an essential tool in the graphic design industry.

The use of graphics has become suitable and feasible since 90's, as the internet speed increased noticeably and internet browsers being capable of viewing large images. Graphics used by websites are logos, banners, advertisements, navigation buttons, etc. in gif format and in addition modern browsers today supports jpeg, and swf formats as well. This makes websites much more attractive and outstanding, rather then plain text content.

The basic requirements to become a computer graphic designer include good creative abilities, good computers skills, and good communication skills. Computer graphic design helps graphic designers complete their tasks faster and easier. They can smoothly translate ideas into visual imagery, save it onto their computers and edit it whenever changes are needed.

The graphic design is in high demand these days because it can be applied anywhere like print, films, animations, and computers. To be a graphic designer, one needs to get particular training. The key to a graphic design is that it communicates the message well while being aesthetically appreciated. A good graphic design can attract viewers and do wonders.

About Author :

Nasir Mehmood is a Senior Web Marketing Executive MechTechnologies.com .

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The first ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition

The first ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics
and Interactive Techniques in Asia opens in Singapore on 10 December 2008.

For four fascinating days, SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 will extend the horizons of innovation and excellence. It will feature creative, scientific, and educational work that provokes thought, explores ideas in innovative ways, addresses contemporary issues, interactively engages viewers in discovery, and stimulates their intellect and imagination.

All members of the computer graphics community in Asia and throughout the world are invited. Register early and save with discounted fees. Select your hotel accommodations. And finalize your plans to be in Singapore for this historic event.

more info klik : http://www.siggraph.org/asia2008/

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lomba desain logo indonesia

Lomba Desain Logo

Lomba Desain Logo

Persyaratan Peserta
- Terbuka untuk umum, WNI, perorangan maupun kelompok, kecuali panitia, dewan juri dan keluarganya.
- Tidak dipungut biaya pendaftaran
- Peserta melampirkan identitas diri (fotokopi KTP)
- Peserta wajib mengisi dan menandatangani surat pernyataan keaslian ide (bisa didownload di www.posindonesia.co.id)

Kriteria Logo
- Logoberupa logogramdanlogotype(gabungan keduanya)
- Logo adalah karya asli, bukan jiplakan atau contekan
- Logo harus mencantumkantext POS INDONESIA
- Logo harus dapat mengkomunikasikanmisi dari PT POS INDONESIA
- Penampilan logo sederhana, mudah diingat & diterapkan pada berbagai kemungkinan teknik dan media, baik 2 dimensi maupun 3 dimensi
- Logo belum pernah dipublikasikan / disayembarakan
- Semua karya yang dikirimkan menjadi milik panitia
- Dewan Juri dan PT POS INDONESIA berhak melakukan perubahan desain bila diperlukan dan pemenang wajib melakukan revisi perubahan

Jadwal Penerimaan dan Penjurian
- Batas akhir penerimaan logo adalah tanggal 10 Desember 2008
- Penjurian Tahap 1 dilakukan tanggal 15 - 17 Desember 2008
- Penjurian Tahap 2 dilakukan tanggal 19 - 20 Desember 2008
- Panitia & Dewan juri tidak melayani surat menyurat pada lomba ini.
- Keputusan juri tidak bisa diganggu gugat
- Semua karya menjadi hak milik PT POS INDONESIA

Dewan Juri
1. Dr. I Ketut Mardjana (Wakil Dirut PT Pos Indonesia)
2. Narga Habib (Brand Consultant / Praktisi Periklanan )
3. Hakim Lubis (Creative Director / Praktisi Periklanan )
4. Drs. Indarsjah Tirtawidjaja (Dosen & Anggota Kelompok Keahlian
KOMUNIKASI VISUAL dan MULTIMEDIA (KVMM) FSRD ITB, Dekan Fakultas Komunikasi Visual (FDKV) Universitas Widyatama)
5. Dr. Priyanto Sunarto (Pengajar DKV ITB)

Ketentuan Teknis
- Peserta dapat mengirimkan maksimal 2 alternatiflogo
- Logo harus memiliki warna korporat PT. POS INDONESIA
- Identitas peserta ( Nama, Alamat, Pekerjaan, No telpon ) ditempel di kanan bawah belakang karya.
- Konsep diketik di kertas A3, 1,5 spasi dan ditempel di bagian belakang desain logo utuh.
- Menyertakan CD file desain logo dalam format CMYK :
* Folder Logo Asli : Corel Draw / Freehand / Illustrator
* Folder Presentasi : JPEG 300 dpi ( high quality )
* Folder Konsep Logo : Ms Word
- Lampirkan surat pernyataan yang berisi keterangan orisinalitas logo yang ditandatangani di atas meterai Rp.6000,
- Semua dokumen dimasukan ke amplop coklat tertutup tidak boleh dilipat, dikirimkan ke :

-Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, peserta dapat mendownload informasi di :


Penentuan Penilaian
- Orisinalitas karya
- Relevansi logo dengan misi PT POS INDONESIA
- Unsur estetika
- Pengaplikasian logo pada berbagai media

- Satu (1) pemenang Utama berhak mendapat hadiah berupa :
1 (satu) unit Grand Livina + Piagam Penghargaan
- Empat (4) pemenang Hiburan berhak mendapat hadiah masing-masing berupa :
1 (satu) unit macbook + Piagam Penghargaan
- Pajak, transportasi dan akomodasi ditanggung pemenang.

Pengumuman pemenang akan dipublikasikan pada surat kabar Kompas, 27 Desember 2008 dan www.posindonesia.co.id

Sumber: http://www.posindonesia.co.id/headline_detail.php

Download Surat Pernyataan dan Keterangan Lomba: klik disini (surat pernyataan ada pada lampiran)

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What Is Special In a Perfect Website Design?

More Information about Search Engine Optimization Process. There are a few basic rules of search engine optimization process. The webpage should have a simple design and the content should match the graphical designs. Moreover the main purpose of search engine optimization is to attract the attention of the search engine robots so that the sites get a good ranking......

Few Website Designing Techniques for All

However, it forever happens that HTML editors write clumsy HTML tags, especially when you amend the webpage layout again and again during your website designing process, which may probably deter search engines from reading your web page and in turn poorly affect your search engine ranking. Website designers can work as freelancers, designing and maintaining websites for a variety of clients. Com specializes in building, designing, implementing, managing and maintaining corporate website to boost sales of your company......

Kelowna Graphic Designer

Basically graphic design is a visual problem solving by means of text or graphical elements. Your target is to form something that is pleasurable to the eye, and gets the concentration of the viewer. Graphic design is nothing but the combination of process and art together with text and graphics and for communicating an effective message in the design of logos, graphics, brochures, newsletters, posters, signs, and any other type of visual communication. Today's Kelowna graphic designers often use desktop publishing software and techniques for attaining their goals.......

Choosing A Computer For Freelance Graphic Design

For many years, when a freelance graphic designer chose a new computer, Macintosh was the automatic choice. Macintosh computers provided the memory, processing speed and storage necessary for large design files. Most graphic design firms and printing companies used only Macintosh computers. Today, that trend continues but PCs are making inroads in what used to be territory exclusive to Macintosh. Therefore, the decision on what computer to purchase is not as clear cut as it once was for graphic designers.

Graphic Design

Graphic design basically is visual problem solving using text or graphical elements. Your aim is to create something that is catchy to the eye, and gets the attention of the viewer. But things can't just look great. They have to work as well.

Web-based applications have brought graphic designers closer to software development projects than ever before. Because the buttons, menus, and....
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Choosing A Computer For Freelance Graphic Design

by: Jonathon Hardcastle

For many years, when a freelance graphic designer chose a new computer, Macintosh was the automatic choice. Macintosh computers provided the memory, processing speed and storage necessary for large design files. Most graphic design firms and printing companies used only Macintosh computers. Today, that trend continues but PCs are making inroads in what used to be territory exclusive to Macintosh. Therefore, the decision on what computer to purchase is not as clear cut as it once was for graphic designers.

Hardware is the first consideration of most freelance designers. While PCs have been proven to rival Macs in terms of processing speed, some people claim that Macs still process large graphic files more efficiently. Also, Macintosh computers have a better maintenance record than most PCs. However, when a hardware problem does arise a Mac can cost more to repair.

Software is where the Macintosh shines compared to the PC. All the major graphic design applications are available for both platforms and run with similar speed. However, the Macintosh operating system has historically been much more stable than the Windows operating system and much easier for the end user to troubleshoot. Additionally, Macintosh computers are far less susceptible to viruses, adware and spyware than PCs, which are notorious for their security flaws.

There are considerations beyond the hardware and software that a freelance designer needs to consider. For example, Macintosh computers typically cost more than PCs. However, once a PC is equipped with the appropriate memory, processor and graphics card to efficiently process graphic files, the cost is fairly similar. If a designer decides to switch platforms any graphic design software already owned must be repurchased under a new license which leads many designers to stick with one platform.

Aesthetics are often a consideration of many designers. Macintosh computers are designed to look sleek and creative while PCs are typically more standard looking. However, some of Macintosh's most originally designed computers are not suitable for graphic design work, leaving a designer with the standard CPU tower, monitor and peripherals, though perhaps in interesting colors.

Finally, careful consideration must be given to interactions with outside vendors and clients. Many printing companies and graphic design firms still have a strong pro-Macintosh bias and may reject native files created with PC software. However, if you are submitting EPS, TIFF or PDF files, the difference in platform will be negligible.
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Kelowna Graphic Designer

by: usha rani

Basically graphic design is a visual problem solving by means of text or graphical elements. Your target is to form something that is pleasurable to the eye, and gets the concentration of the viewer. Graphic design is nothing but the combination of process and art together with text and graphics and for communicating an effective message in the design of logos, graphics, brochures, newsletters, posters, signs, and any other type of visual communication. Today's Kelowna graphic designers often use desktop publishing software and techniques for attaining their goals.

Kelowna graphic designers focus only on the visual artwork sternly for a project. Few people specialize only in certain areas like logo design. Normally graphic artists work with print and web. They can also be able to design brochures, business cards, annual reports, advertising material and give you a high quality professional look. Not all Kelowna graphic designers pursue the same procedures in completing a project. But this cursory overview will help you to become more familiar along with the ins-and-outs of the creative as well as production stages of the graphic design process. Many web designing companies hire a designer for the graphic design and finally they will hand the work to a web designer or developer for integrating it into a website.

Kelowna graphic designers charge depending upon the experience normally, but designers with less experience may save you money. But designers with more experience will always carry a higher quality product. So it is favorable for you go for an option of selecting graphic designer in Kelowna before the process starts. An initial research should also take place in an appraisal of your competitors' as well as your company's present communications. Some designers used to demand fee per project or per hour. Always make sure that you have defined all the requirements precisely for your web project.

The Graphic Designer:

Desktop publishing permits copying to go directly from word processing to set type in today's electronic world. The main core of any creative work is the designer. Each designer comes with a varying degree of talent and experience as well, whether they're independent or may be a part of a firm. Many independents or "freelancers" have years of skills with well-known firms.

Concept development is the initial stage of creative work. This is nothing but a stimulating process, exploring various options and weighing their merits against the communication policies and the modification process starts at once the concept has been established. Along the way, you see the project evolves, each time becoming more refined. And at the end of the concept refinement stage, normally the graphic designer will present a final comprehensive layout or mock-up to the person at your company who has final approval authority.
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Vektorika Magazine

showcase vektor art around the world. original www.vektorjunkie.com/mag.html


REVOLUTIONART international magazine is a publication delivered in pdf format as a collective sample of the best of the graphics arts, modeling, music, and world tendences.

It's a revolutionary platform, a massive propaganda to communicate global messages and make the people to think about them. We deliver pure talent to more than 70,000 suscribers and readers per edition around the world.

The objective of REVOLUTIONART is the one to serve as a inspirational source to artists, models, designers, advertisers, photographers, designers and communicators in general who wish to explore new alternatives of expression through graphical samples of design, photo, ads, fashion, music, and general visual arts. We're coolhunters.
original revolutionart.publicistas.org
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What Is Special In a Perfect Website Design?

More Information about Search Engine Optimization Process. There are a few basic rules of search engine optimization process. The webpage should have a simple design and the content should match the graphical designs. Moreover the main purpose of search engine optimization is to attract the attention of the search engine robots so that the sites get a good ranking.

When you design a website you should not use a dynamically generated URL. There is a query string attached to the URL which allows the server to know about the type of data which should be fetched from a database. This makes it difficult for the search engine robots to search for the content. If you want to have the quality of the content. Incoming links are considered crucial for any site. They are difficult to implement and you need good professionals who can help you in this search engine optimization process. Incoming links are you want to have the desired results from the search engine optimization process, desired results from the search engine optimization process, you should use engine friendly URLs. This is a type of URL which helps in the rankings of the site. Moreover the users can access the site with this type of URL. If you want to modify the URL of the site you need to have sound technical knowledge to do so,

Apart from the URL, the other thing which is considered of primary importance in search engine optimization is the quality of the content. Incoming links are considered crucial for any site. They are difficult to implement and you need good professionals who can help you in this search engine optimization process. Incoming links are you want to have the desired results from the search engine optimization process, you should use engine friendly URLs. This is a type of URL which helps in the rankings of the site useful for products and services which have a wider appeal. All those who are involved in niche business can be connected to those sites which are relevant for their business. You should take care of other technical specificities like the function of the HTML.

Most of the search engine robots will not take an effort to go that extra length and validate the HTML. You have to it yourself to maximize the benefits of search engine optimization process. You can increase the cumbersome effort and might lose on some precious points when it comes to search engine optimization process content-to-markup ratio and the readers can easily access the site and the site will open faster than the others. Moreover the site will come to the attention of the search engines. If the mark-ups boast of good quality, then the sites can be assured of good rankings. You should make the sites accessible to all, especially to those vision impaired humans.

In this case your webpages should have proper paragraphs, headings and lists as it makes it prominent. The search engine spiders will definitely look at those webpages which are the most prominent and have followed the basic rules of metatags. You can use the JavaScript or the Flash, but it is better not to use them for navigating the site. This might prove to be a cumbersome effort and might lose on some precious points when it comes to search engine optimization process. You should submit your site to those directories and engines which are popular. A new directory yet to be picked up by Google will not boost your business.
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Few Website Designing Techniques for All

rHowever, it forever happens that HTML editors write clumsy HTML tags, especially when you amend the webpage layout again and again during your website designing process, which may probably deter search engines from reading your web page and in turn poorly affect your search engine ranking. Website designers can work as freelancers, designing and maintaining websites for a variety of clients. Com specializes in building, designing, implementing, managing and maintaining corporate website to boost sales of your company. for more information visit www.my-early-days-on-the-net.com

The time and effort you spend on designing your website will be obvious to your visitors and will result in sales. Designing Your Directory Structure The first step to implementing a website is to design the directory structure. In the same manner that color bears great significance in our daily lives, so too does color play a main if not crucial role when designing a website. In order to increase the search engine optimization for your website, some new website designing needs to be done. Well, driving high traffic to Website is very important, but what's even more important, is designing a website in that way which makes them stays longer.

Almost everyone would want to incorporate a link directory when designing their website just for SEO purpose. Let’s talk about couple of important point I choose to discuss –Web Designing & Web hosting – Lets say you have chosen one of the best web designing company in your area to design & develop your website with the best of your knowledge and they have completed the website designing in couple of days now your website is ready to host on a server.

Method of thinking about designing a new website is to use a mind mapping process, or to draw up a spider diagram. Conclusion Building and designing website is not as difficult as you think. Most of the Designing websites start by submitting their tutorials to let users know that their website has resources that can help them. Though I use FrontPage for designing my business website, I found Yahoo’s Site Builder tool simple to use and was able to design my writer’s website in just a few hours.

While, there are certain things which you would love to see on your website, there are other things that you need to take into consideration when you go through website designing. You are designing or maintaining your website then learns about Meta tags. Designing the video jacket, website, figuring out how to market the video and get publicity all while trying to lose weight hard enough to do when you're not stressed and food is you’re only vice. Here's an idea how you can add value to your service and charge more: Besides designing product cover, you can also design matching website header, footer, background image, and order button.

In summing up, there is much to consider when designing a website. Keywords and Search Terms Your business keywords and search terms are also critical considerations when designing your website. Graphic Tools for designing your own website online is also available. I was personally involved in everything from designing the website to sales and marketing to product design and project management to customer support and beyond.For more useful tips & hints, please browse for more information at our website: -
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